Saturday, October 15, 2011

Motion Graphics - aka, my top 5 favourite GIFs

As an avid internet user, I'm already very familiar with motion graphics. My area of expertise lies in the realm of GIF files related to internet memes, popular on such websites such as Tumblr. I actually have over 530 GIFs in a folder on my desktop, so it is literally impossible to pick one as my favourite. Instead, I'll compile a top 5 list of my favourite motion graphics!

5) Arthur - "Haters Gonna Hate"

This GIF pretty much embodies what I love about internet memes: taking something and putting it into a different, usually humorous context. Also notable is the fact that the colours have been slightly edited from the original media, seemingly to give it a glossier look.

4) Excited Beyonce
 I really like this GIF for two reasons. First, it's edited really well; GIFs are essentially looping animations, but in this one it's hard to tell where exactly the loop cut is - it flows really nicely. Secondly, the maker of the graphic edited it so that Beyonce is the only person moving in the clip - everyone else is frozen in each frame, which makes it look very cool.
Plus, I really like using this GIF whenever I refer to a song/movie/generally any other piece of media I consider "my jam" (i.e. "that's my JAM!!!")

3) Pocahontas - "Hey Gurl Hey!"
This GIF, aside from being humorous, also shows off another cool thing about motion graphics in general: the many ways to use text. Instead of having the entire phrase up for the duration of the loop, the creator lets each word flash for a few frames. Just an interesting detail. Plus, I've had "Colours of the Wind" stuck in my head literally this entire week, so I had to include my girl Pocahontas in my blog somehow.

2) Woody - "I Can't"
This one's really only on the list because I made it myself, without any prior training in photoshop, so I was pretty proud of myself to figure out how to make a GIF almost entirely on my own (except for an online tutorial or two). The "I can't," well, I'll let Urban Dictionary explain what that means in internet lingo:

1) The Oprah "Ugly Cry"
This is my favourite motion graphic, probably ever. GIFs of Oprah Winfrey crying are abundant on the web, and it's well-known that no one does a full-out ugly cry quite like Oprah. This GIF is perfect for expressing a wide variety of emotions: extreme joy, extreme sadness, extreme excitement, etc.

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