Friday, November 25, 2011

Final thoughts on #BDC192

Here we are, the final week of BDC 192. A little sad for me - I genuinely enjoyed the course, and counted it among my favourite classes this semester. I felt like I could take something away from every lecture, I threw myself into the assignments with enthusiasm, and made quite a few friends in the lab.
Despite the early lecture time, I didn't find myself dozing off anymore after the first couple weeks. Part of this was thanks to the "cool finds" Laurie showed every week, which I always looked forward to. One in particular that I liked was "Her Morning Elegance" - I actually downloaded the song afterward.
I've definitely been affected by the course. Not to brag, but I think I'm pretty good at After Effects, Photoshop, and Illustrator, and it's sparked my interest in graphic design. My trailer for "White Chicks" in particular is a piece I'm really proud of, and I could see myself doing work like that in the future. Maybe not as my main profession, since I feel called toward on-air work, but it would be really cool to apply myself creatively to graphic design on some sort of professional level.
(c) William Reid
All in all, I think the big thing to take away from BDC 192 is that there is a lot more to digital media than meets the eye, and a lot more ways to apply these media than one might think. Whether in the realm of internet, TV, radio, gaming, or any other branch of digital media, there is a lot of room to be creative.

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